Safe Search
The quick way to filter adult-oriented content from your search results automatically. ‘Safe Search’ makes your online search family-friendly by blocking inappropriate and explicit content from your search results. While Safe Search won't catch everything, most adult content won't appear in your search results.
Give It A Try
Safe Search will automatically filter explicit content from your search results.
What is Safe Search?
A children-safe search engine that gives you peace of mind by filtering explicit results from your search queries.
How Safe Search works?
When ‘Safe Search’ is on, it helps block explicit images, videos, and websites from Search results. When ‘Safe Search’ is off, we'll provide the most relevant results for your search and may include explicit content when you search for it.
The Benefits of Safe Search?
- A family-friendly search engine that filters out inappropriate content from your search results.
- Works on desktop, mobile and tablet.
- Adjust the strength of your explicit content filter.